Save with the consent in writing of the council, a person to whom a full licence has been granted under bylaw31or a provisional licence has been granted under bylaw33c shall not transfer his full or provisional licence to any person. 除非获得区域市政局书面同意,否则根据第31条获批给正式牌照的人,或根据第33c条获批给暂准牌照的人,不得将其正式或暂准牌照转让他人。
No person shall, without the consent in writing of the Commonwealth war graves commission, permit any dog or other animal to enter any cemetery. 任何人如未获得英联邦国殇纪念坟场管理委员会的书面同意,不得准许犬只或其他动物进入坟场。
Any person who removes a food animal from a waiting lairage otherwise than at the direction or with the consent in writing of an authorized officer shall be guilty of an offence. 任何人如未获得授权人员书面指示或同意而从待宰栏移走食用牲口,即属犯罪。
Legal cost incurred to limit liability after collision or other occurrence subject to prior consent of the Company in writing. 在发生碰撞或其他事故后,被保险人在事先征得本公司书面同意后,为限制赔偿责任所支付的诉讼费用;
No prosecution in respect of any offence under this Ordinance shall be instituted without the consent in writing of the attorney general. 在有律政司面同意下,不得就本例所任何罪行提起控。
This Contract shall be altered or supplemented only by mutual consent in writing between the Owner and the Contractor. 对本合同的任何修改或补充,须经业主和承包商双方的书面同意。
Prosecutions for offences under these Regulations shall not be commenced without the consent in writing of the director. 如无处长书面同意,不得就本规例所订的罪行展开检控。
If the consent cannot be expressed in writing, the non-written consent must be formally documented and witnessed. 如果不能以书面形式表达同意,非书面同意必须被正式记录并有见证。
If the Purchaser does so without the Contractor's consent In Writing, he shall be deemed to have taken over the Works. 如果买方在没有得到承包方书面通知的情况下那么做了,将视为他已接收了工程。
After Party A reaches employment intention with the candidate, Party B will make detailed survey for the specific performance of the candidate in the previous companies on the basis of obtaining their consent; the survey results will be sent to Party A in writing. 甲方与候选人达成聘用意向后,乙方在征得该候选人同意的基础上,对该候选人在曾经就职过的公司里的表现作具体调查,调查结果以书面报告的形式通知甲方。
If your securities or securities collateral are received or held by the licensed or registered person in Hong Kong, the above arrangement is allowed only if you consent in writing. 假如你的证券或证券抵押品是由持牌人或注册人在香港收取或持有的,则上述安排仅限于你已就此给予书面同意的情况下方行有效。
Unless otherwise specified, such notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination shall be in writing and the words notify certify or determine shall be construed accordingly. 除另有说明者外,均指书面的通知,同意,批准,证明或决定,而通知,证明或决定字样均应据此解释。
The supplier's liability does not cover defects which are caused by faulty maintenance, incorrect erection or faulty repair by the purchaser, or by alterations carried out without the purchaser's consent in writing. 卖方不对由于买方错误的保养、不正确的建造、错误的维修或没有通过卖方书面同意而进行的改造所造成的瑕疵负责。
The shipowner shall not establish any mortgage of the ship during the bareboat charter period without the prior consent in writing by the charterer. 第一百五十一条未经承租人事先书面同意,出租人不得在光船租赁期间对船舶设定抵押权。
Save with the consent in writing of the council, a person to whom a licence is granted under this part shall not transfer his licence to any other person. 除非获得市政局书面同意,否则根据本部获批给牌照的人不得将其牌照转让他人。